The Snake Plant – It Doesn’t Get Easier Than This

Snake plants, also known as “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue”, scientific name – Sansevieria, have grown to become one of the most popular house plants in recent years all because of their combination of striking leaves with amazing hardiness. They’re the houseplants that even black thumbs will have no problems with! They can also be used as air […]
The Rise of Moss Walls

This trend towards greenery and natural elements within interior design is nothing new. Demand has skyrocketed in recent years as businesses and institutions both large and small begin to take employee, guest, and customer well-being more seriously. Wellness and brand-conscious design have become more essential than ever as people’s desire for natural and authentic experiences […]
Can indoor plants be used for interior design?
Looking to breathe life into your home or office? Wondering how it can be done without disrupting the colour scheme of the area? Well, indoor plants are the way to go. Sometimes, using indoor plants to design a certain space might be a bit tricky, but that’s where Plantscapes comes in. Our highly skilled team […]